Jual Ceramic Ball
T-38 and T-86 PROX-SVERS® ceramic balls, composed of high purity ceramic materials from the United States and China, give our clients the best of both worlds.
Manufactured in the United States, T-38 ceramic balls should be your standard for demanding applications like hydrocracking and naptha reforming. The unique microstructure of T-38 ceramic balls allows the ceramic body to withstand impact, thermal shock, and hydrogen pressure shock better than standard ceramic balls.
Manufactured in China, T-86 ceramic balls can be your standard support media throughout your refinery. Christy's 3-Step quality assurance process ensures that the quality you receive at your plant meets our high standards which many of our competitors do not even test for.
Ady Water Sebagai Perusahaan Pendistribusi sekaligus suplier dan Penjual bahan-bahan untuk keperluan water treatment dan gas treatmen, Selain Menjual Karbon Aktif, Pasir Silika dan resin Kation Anion Kami juga Menjual Ceramic ball
Produk rincian:
Fungsi : Untuk Bed Support Reactor
Ukuran: 12-15mm. Dia. Balls.
Warna: Putih Keabu-abu an
Menghancurkan Kekuatan: 40-60kgs.
Komposisi kimia:
Al2O3 - 15%, SiO2-30%, oksida lainnya, sebagai cao / mgo dll - 55%.
Rugi gesekan: 0. 1% max.
Bulk density: 1. 2kg/ltr.
Kapasitas adsorpsi air: 2% max.
Suhu operasi: 300ocmax.
022 723 8019
022 6372 4915
0856 2476 9005
0821 4000 2080 (Fajri)
0821 2742 4060 (Ghani)
0812 2015 1631 (Randi)
0821 2742 3050 (Rusmana)
0812 2165 4304 (Yanuar)
0857 2352 9677 (WA)
0818 0906 4845 (WA)
0813 2259 9149 (WA)
7C232720 (BBM)
Anda bisa berkonsultasi terlebih dahulu dengan kami agar produk yang Anda terima sesuai kebutuhan anda.
e-mail: adywater@gmail.com
Kantor Pusat Bandung:
Jalan Mande Raya No. 26, RT/RW 01/02 Cikadut-Cicaheum, Bandung 40194
Kantor Cabang Jakarta:
Jalan Kemanggisan Pulo 1, No. 6, RT/RW 01/08, Kelurahan Pal Merah, Kecamatan Pal Merah, Jakarta Barat, 11480
Kantor Cabang Bekasi:
Jalan Bintara Jayaraya No. 3 Bekasi Barat
Kantor Cabang Surabaya:
Jalan S. Parman IVA No.8 Waru Sidoarjo (Depan Pendopo Lama Waru Sidoarjo) Daerah Belakang R.S Mitra Keluarga Waru Sidoarjo
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